Robi is a digital buddy who helps kids with ADHD in everyday life. Kids with ADHD can seem restless, have trouble concentrating and act on impulse, which can result in a lack of self-esteem and cause difficulties in social skills. Robi offers features like setting schedules, encouraging the child, scenario learning etc. Robi also comes with an app to help parents. The Robi app teaches the parents more about ADHD and also acts as a remote for Robi.
your kid's new best friend
UX Manager
UI Designer
Workshop Facilitator
Product Rendering
Concept Ideation
4 Months
Nominated for
UX Design
Product Design
The need to learn social skills is higher in differently-abled kids as it is difficult for them to learn these skills due to their neurological development, whereas for the majority of kids it can be easily taught by just explaining the importance of it, it is something that they will learn eventually now or later. This can especially be a problem for younger kids.
After interviewing a child psychologist in the initial stage of the project, we realised that we needed to build a solution that would help kids as well as their parents, who do not have enough knowledge about the topic and are constantly worried for their well-being and future.
Secondary Research
Expert review
Quantitative survey
Qualitativ interviews
User Persona
User Journey
Must, Should &
Nice to have
Workshop/User Testing
Expert Feedback
Impact Matrix
Concept refinement
Visual Identity
High Fidelity Screens
Usability testing
Design Process
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition that can cause unusual levels of hyperactivity and impulsive behaviours.
It affects the frontal lobe of the brain and it cannot be prevented or cured.
This is a mix of inattentive symptoms
and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms.
Approximately 129 million children and adolescents worldwide between the ages of
5 to 19 years old have ADHD
User Research
We sent out a survey form to gather data and find people whom we could interview for qualitative research. From this survey we found adults who had kids with ADHD or kids who were currently in the process of getting diagnosis for ADHD.
Who has the biggest
influence on your child?
Quantitative survey
Amélie HENNO
Child Psychologist
Family & Children
Ashlesha PAWAR
Special Educator
'Buddy System works effectively when we need
to teach or introduce new things'
'A child’s first social circle is his family'
'Instructions should be cut into parts'
'Make things fun for the child to understand'
User Persona
We developed 5 user personas (parents, teachers, siblings, children with ADHD subtypes) but prioritized the most challenged and accessible persona (child with predominant ADHD subtype) and their parent
Must have,
Should have,
Nice to have.
Must Have
Nice to Have
Should Have
To begin with, we started off ideating and drawing on post-its these must have, should have and nice to have.
And later combined them to make solid concepts to test out to build the final product.
User Testing
After going through multiple rounds of ideation, we had 3 concepts ready to be tested with our users. To do so I organised
a user testing workshop where we tested out the core idea of all these concepts which were very different from one
another. At the end of the workshop, I interviewed the users and learnt about their experience.
Whattabox - a subscription based
DigiBud - a digital companion
My Space - Building and Bonding
between parents and kids
User & Expert
Once we had our user feedback on the concepts, it was time to ask our experts about their opinions and thoughts
on the concepts. Below are some insights from our interviews.
Interview Insight #4
Parents need to be educated too
A lot of parents are not aware of ADHD and have no experience with it. This
causes a lot of stress and results in fights between parents and kids as
they fail to understand the reason for their behaviour.
Interview Insight #3
Modularity can help the product grow with the child
As ADHD is not curable and stays with you for a lifetime, it could be nice
to have a long lasting solution or something that grows with the child
Interview Insight #2
Newer generation is invested in technology
In a time when we have the "iPad kids", kids are attracted to technology and
find it exciting to interact with it. The engaging visuals can really be helpful
when it comes to teaching new things.
Interview Insight #1
Autonomy builds self confidence
Having the child to perform tasks autonomously builds their self-confidence
which is important in their development as being confident about
themselves will help them express themselves better.
Once we had insights from our users, it was now time to ask our experts about their opinion on our concepts.
Below is their feedback on the concepts.
Now that we had fixated on our final product and it's features , I started ideating and wireframing the screens
for the app. I ideated on screens for profile, audio instruction, scenario learning etc.
Visual Identity
The app has a playful approach so that it goes well with the product. We observed that usually medical and tech apps
have a very serious and plain design language. But to avoid seriousness we went for a colourful approach.
Community Building
Exchange first-hand info with other parents, share articles,
stay in contact with the experts you meet on the website
and build your community.
Teach Social Skills with
Interactive videos!
The next quick feature the app has to offer is scenario learning.
Here the parent can go through a list of scenarios they would
like their kid to learn. The parent can play this scenario on their
phone or add it to their kid's schedule
In the schedule section, the parent can set a schedule and
set reminders for the child which will be displayed on
Robi and Robi will encourage the kid to perform these tasks.
Busy? Add it to your
child's schedule
Watch as these videos
play in your child's room
The scenario will automatically start playing at this time, it's a
roleplaying activity that the child will have to participate in
by answering simple questions. The kid's actions will show
his understanding and learning of these social skills.
1, 2, 3...Task breakdown
in simple steps
It is important to give kids with ADHD simple step-by-step
instructions for any task and it is something that might
get difficult for parents who are not used to it so the
audio instructions feature can help them with this.
Is it a bear? Is it Robi?
It is whomever you
want it to be
As ADHD stays with one their whole life. You can now
customise your Robi as per your choice. It grows with you.
A teddy to Harry Potter? Maybe a Star Wars edition?
The possibilities are endless.
- This project was nominated for the UX design awards in the new talent category.
- We presented this project to the school jury in 3 parts, research, design and
development where we ranked 1st in school in 2 phases and ranked 2nd in 1 phase.
- During our research presentation, one of the Jury members recognised the
symptoms in a child they knew and decided to go for a diagnosis.
- Working on a sensitive and challenging topic.
- Team Management.
- Hosting Workshops.
- Involving experts at every stage of the product